Intro to Moving Water Solo Tripping
Price: $399 + GST
Dates: 2025 dates coming soon | custom dates available
This course is designed to provide you will the skills to solo a regular tandem canoe on moving water such as the Yukon, Teslin or Takhini Rivers. Perfect for those that want to paddle solo on an extended paddle trip. We will cover front ferries, eddy turns, landing your canoe, reading the river, equipment, paddle strokes, safety and much more. You will learn how your canoe responds to you and how you are in control.
Course runs 1 evening and all day Saturday and Sunday. Locations will be determined based on current water levels and participants. We use a combination of the following rivers: Yukon, Takhini, Watson or Wheaton Rivers.
Freedom to Explore
Solo canoeing allows to you to explore and adventure on your own terms and pace. You make all the decisions without needing to consult. Sometimes you can not find a partner to canoe with or you prefer the solace of paddling on your own. It’s a beautiful connection with the water.
Taking a solo course will make a better all around paddler as you are now the stern & bow position of a regular tandem canoe team. All skills learned solo translate into tandem canoeing.
We have a range of canoes available for you to try. Most are in the 16′ range and we do have some dedicated solo tripping canoes that are around 14′.
Courses are taught in English.