Intermediate Solo PlayBoating
Price: $399 + GST
Dates: 2025 dates coming soon | custom dates may be available
Have you spent some time in a Solo Playboat? Do you want to up your solo game? Join us for 2.5 days of building your solo skills and confidence. We build on Fundamentals skills learned in Intro to Solo Playboat. Evening session spent on Flatwater tuning technique and practicing carving.
Saturday + Sunday 9 am to 6pm location will be based on current water levels and where class will have optimal learning. We will use a combination of Takhini, Watson and Wheaton Rivers
$40 discount if you bring your own outfitted solo canoe
Skills Covered
- Carved Eddy Turns, how to catch smaller or tighter eddies
- Forward Momentum- developing forward power when you need it.
- Ferries including jet ferries- using the water to your advantage
- Surfing how to catch waves and enjoy the ride
- Dry Lines- strategies for keeping your boat dry in continuous rapids
- Bracing- reaction strokes to keep your boat upright
- Boofing- how to use river obstacles to keep your boat dry
- Rapid Running Strategies- scouting & picking your line
- Safety- Self Rescues, Group Rescue, hazard awareness
- 1:5 Instructor Student Ratio (max)
- Drysuits mandatory, we have them available for rent